Play Schemas: Transporting


Children experiencing a transporting schema will be focused on moving objects from one place to another in the classroom space or outdoors.

What it might look like:

  • stuffing objects into pockets
  • filling wagons, wheelbarrows, dump trucks, etc. with toys or natural materials
  • a child with their arms overflowing with toys
  • a child taking all of the books off the shelf and stacking them up

Transporting Activities and Materials

  • Provide specific fanny packs or tote bags that can be filled when outside. Create a routine where they get emptied every day at the end of outdoor play time. Start all over again the next day.
  • Use diggers, tractors, wheelbarrows, wagons and dumpers during outdoor play to transport sand, bark, pebbles, balls, cones and natural objects
  • Add boats to your water table. Use the boats to transport small animals or other objects
  • Add construction vehicles to your sand table or sand box
  • Use construction vehicles with play dough
  • Add a variety of scoops, spades, spoons, cups, and bottles to your sensory bins
  • Go on a hunt around the garden with buckets, bags etc for collecting things
  • Add a pulley, rope, and bucket to your swing set to move things from the ground to the top
  • Provide a collection of purses, suitcases, backpacks and bags for transporting things inside
  • Use ice cube trays and pom poms for sorting
  • Set up a travel themed dramatic play with clothes that can be packed into bags and suitcases