Play Schemas: Trajectory


Children experiencing a trajectory schema will be seen moving their arms, legs, and bodies in different patterns. They may also be holding onto different objects and moving (ie: swinging, throwing, shaking) them around. There's horizontal trajectory (pushing and kicking) and vertical trajectory (dropping objects, putting things in and out of containers).

What it might look like:

  • dropping objects
  • knocking down towers of objects
  • throwing things
  • swinging objects around
  • fake explosions
  • jumping off of furniture
  • sending toys down the stairs
  • babies can be seen reaching out for objects, kicking legs, opening and closing hands, pulling, pushing

Trajectory Activities and Materials

  • Create a pendulum paint brush by attaching a paintbrush to a long rope, dipping it in paint, and swinging it (this can get very messy, so might be a better outdoor activity!)
  • Blow feathers, chiffon scarves or tissue paper, or hold and release them in front of a fan
  • Make paper planes from folded paper
  • Experiment dropping different objects from different heights
  • Marble painting
  • Fly kites on a windy day
  • Chase and catch bubbles
  • Throw wet sponges at a target or wall
  • Use eye droppers to drip colored water onto paper
  • Add scarves and other fabric to your music area
  • Create your own bowling game using plastic bottles and a ball
  • Use sticks or dowels and ribbon to create wands for twirling and dancing
  • Create a game where an infant is invited to drop an object off their high chair while an older child retrieves it for them