Invitation to Play

Invitation to Play

Whether you call them play invitations or play provocations, the idea is the same: you are inspiring new ways to play. Here are some other ways to inspire the ways your children play:

  • Hang up pictures and images. Add pictures to different play areas for inspiration during play. For example, hang up pictures of different buildings in the block area or pictures of different birds near the window.
  • Include items from nature. You can easily add variety to the materials in your program by collecting and bringing in things your kids find outside (flowers, leaves, rocks, acorns, etc.). These can all be played with with cups, muffin tins, blocks, etc.
  • Go on an adventure. A play invitation can also be a special event or field trip. Taking a trip to the museum, post office, or grocery store can provide a lot of inspiration for new play experiences.
  • Photographs from your program. Display pictures from things you've done together (like a field trip) where kids can see them. Hang up pictures of really tall buildings that have been built. Hang up pictures of the different costumes they've assembled. This will spark conversations and encourage connections across different experiences.
  • Books, books, books! Books don't have to stay only in your book area. Include relevant books all around the classroom as inspiration. For example, books about butterflies in your science area, books about different bridges around the world in your block area, and books about chefs in your play kitchen are all examples to consider.