Play Schemas: Enclosure
Children experiencing an enclosure schema will be focused on joining lines or building structures with different materials to form a defined space for objects to "live" inside. These enclosures can be round, square or rectangular.
What it might look like:
- building fences or walls around objects
- drawing an enclosure around a drawing or objects
- arranging food around the edge of a plate
- riding a bike around an enclosed space they have constructed
Enclosure Activities and Materials
Enclosure Activities and Materials
- Drape a sheet over furniture to create a fort
- Use large cardboard boxes for children to hide in
- Set up tunnels, hollow cubes or pop up tents
- In the garden set up washing lines to drape fabric over to make a den (can be secured with pegs or bulldog clips)
- Play with a parachute
- Put out blocks with a variety of other materials for building walls, fences, and other enclosures
- Use shoe boxes to build homes for small toys
- Put out large white paper with other toys (people, animals, cars, etc.) so that children can draw borders around the toys
- Use popsicle sticks and glue to create fences