Time Sampling

Time Sampling

Key features of Time Sampling:

  • Focuses on one child's movement throughout the classroom (though could be done for multiple children if desired)
  • Looks at a specific child in 10-15 minute increments
  • Quick notes about what the child is doing at each check-in point
  • Set a timer to go off every 10-15 minutes. When the timer goes off make a note of what the child is doing at that time.

When Time Sampling is useful:

  • When you want to track movement throughout the classroom
  • Forces you to keep track of a child's movement between classroom areas and activities
  • Provides information around a child's ability to focus or stay on task
  • When you want to better understand a child's interests
  • For those kids that seem to "float" through the day

Sample Time Sampling:

10:00am: Leila is drawing at the table

10:15am: Leila is building in the block area with Oliver.

10:30am: Leila is building in the block area alone.

10:45am: Leila is drawing at the table with Oliver.

11:00am: Leila is reading a book in the cozy corner.