Running Records
Running Records
Key features of a Running Record:
- A window into a child's experience during a specific situation or period in time
- A record of everything a child says for a set amount of time (usually ~2-5 minutes)
- Written in present tense
- Depending how verbal or active a child is, this can be a lot of writing
When Running Records are useful:
- Provide detailed information about why a child is behaving a certain way
- Can allow you to problem solve around behavior you would like to change
- Most useful when you can begin recording before a specific behavior occurs to understand what causes it
- Helpful for capturing a child's language and/or play skills
Sample Running Record:
Kate and Beth walk over to an egg matching/memory game/puzzle. Kate picks up one egg shell at a time and pulls out the animal pieces that are underneath, and matches them to the correct half. “This is mine,” Kate says, and sits in a chair. “Can I put it together?” Beth asks Kate. Kate nods. When all of the animals are put back together, Beth says, “Kate I did it. I did mine. Now we have to hide them under the eggs. Kate, you’re supposed to hide them so I can’t find them.” Both children place the animals under the egg shells. Kate moves the egg shells into rows. “Beth, I missed, here you go,” Kate says, moving an egg shell into the line. “Thanks, Kate,” Beth says. “Is that the teacher?” Kate asks, pointing to an animal. Kate begins lifting the egg shells off of the table. When there is an animal under a shell she says, “Yay,” and puts the animal off to the side. Kate asks, “This one?” while holding a pig, showing it to Beth. Beth says, “No.” Kate says, “Beth let me try this,” as she moves the animals to the other side of the table. “Kate, we can’t do this. We have to make it like a line,” Beth says. “Right,” Kate agrees and turns the rest of the egg shells over. “No, here,” Kate says, and moves the animals so they are in a line, turning the egg shells back over.” “Kate this is my spot,” Beth says. “No I don’t have a spot. Teacher, can I have your chair?” Kate asks. “I need this one, but I see one at the art table you can use,” the teacher says. Kate walks over to the teacher. “This is a teacher spot,” she says, then asks, “Why you have this necklace?” “Someone gave it to me,” the teacher says. “I like it,” Kate says. Kate watches while Beth continues to move the animals around. Kate joins in and removes the egg shells from the animals. Both say, “Yay,” and laugh when an animal is found.