Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Location: indoor or outdoor

Materials: a large rug or small rugs for sitting on

Early childhood educators have varying opinions about the value of circle time and how it should be structured. Regardless, circle time can provide a solid routine for big transitions, like the transition into the school day. Use morning circle as a time to greet all of the kids that have come to school today, discuss the Daily Rhythm, and go over any immediate issues you want to address.

Some tips:

  • Keep your circles short -- you can have more than one throughout the day, so keep them all short. You'll know when you've lost your kid's attention, and you can use that to guide when it's time to move on
  • Create a routine-- maybe every day it's a good morning song, talking about the weather, and then reading a story; or it could be stretching and deep breathing, followed by announcements, followed by songs & finger plays. It's up to you, but start simple. You can get more complicated over time.
  • Incorporate song & movement-- your kids will be engaged if it's a whole body experience.

Sample Good Morning Songs: