Paper Collages

Paper Collages

Location: indoor or outdoor

Materials: paper, scissors, glue

Inspired by Henri Matisse's paper cutouts, this is a great activity for a mixed age environment.

If you want to be true to Matisse's own process, invite your children to paint pieces of paper first. This turns it into a multi-day project while you wait for the paper to dry. For a shorter project, you can use construction paper.

Show children examples of Matisse's paper cutouts and invite them to make one of their own.

You can provide some pre-cut shapes, and also invite children to cut out their own if they choose.

Mixed-Age Guide:

Infants may:

  • enjoy using cut out pieces of felt instead of paper, these can be arranged again and again and again and are more durable than paper
  • want to observe other children working on this project

Toddlers may:

  • benefit from using glue that is in small cups with paint brushes instead of glue sticks
  • benefit from having pieces pre-cut
  • benefit from using contact paper instead of paper and glue
  • want to rip paper

Preschoolers may:

  • be able to use glue sticks independently, but may benefit from using glue that is in small cups with paint brushes instead
  • need support in using scissors

What We're Learning

  • self-expression and creativity
  • hand-eye coordination
  • pre-writing skills and hand strength