Ocean Collage

Ocean Collage

Location: indoor or outdoor (or both, depending on the day!)

Materials: large paper, paint, tissue paper, construction paper, glue, dot paints, etc.

Longterm group art projects can be a great way to allow children to practice team work while exploring their creativity. This kind of project can be especially great while doing an in-depth study of a particular topic. For this example we'll use the ocean.

This project can start out by simply by creating the blue of the ocean. Using one large sheet of paper, invite children to contribute different shades and textures of blue.

Between days, hang the art project where children can see it.

As you study different aspects of the ocean, add new features. For example, allow children to create their own sea creatures and plants and add them to the collage.

Possible Extensions:

  • This is a great way to engage children on an individual level. As you're reading new books about the ocean you may notice that children approach you with new ideas about what to add to the collage
  • You can incorporate the collage into the dramatic play area as a way to set the stage for ocean-related play

What We're Learning

  • hand-eye coordination
  • fine motor development
  • pencil grasp and other pre-writing skills
  • visual discrimination
  • self-expression
  • collaboration