

Location: indoor or outdoor

Materials: sensory table or bin, water, ice, props of your choosing (animals, boats, people, cups, etc.)

Bring a new dimension to sensory play by incorporating ice. You can prepare by freezing ice in larger containers (different shapes of tupperware or deep trays) or just using regular ice cubes. Include the ice in the water or sensory table.

Possible Extensions:

  • Include hot water and pipettes for melting the ice
  • Discuss the states of water -- include children in making the ice to begin with: what do we need to make ice? how long does it take to make ice? What does the ice turn into when it melts?
  • Add food coloring to the water before you make ice for a color mixing activity

What We're Learning

  • hand-eye coordination
  • sensory
  • scientific thinking and knowledge (ie: making hypotheses, trial and error, states of water)
  • language and communication